By week

36th week of pregnancy


During this period, the fetus begins to prepare directly for the moment of delivery and adapts to the next period of life. For women, this period is different because they can go into labor at any time. For the first birth, as a rule, the onset is likely to be later, after thirty-eight weeks.

This is the beginning of the last month of pregnancy, so it is the beginning of a very serious period for the pregnant woman. Since labor can normally begin in a pregnant woman from the thirty-seventh to the forty-second week, there are only a few days or weeks left before labor begins, so it is necessary to plan the place where the birth will take place, and it makes sense to get acquainted with the specialist who will be in charge of labor.

Since the future baby is large and quite cramped in the uterus, it moves less often. But there should be at least ten movements per twelve hours of observation. Control by a specialist is especially important in breech presentation of the fetus.

Since labor can begin at any moment, it is advisable that the woman has all the necessary things for childbirth.

Features of the 36 week

During this period, a woman’s abdomen is so large that it is difficult for her to find comfortable sleeping and resting positions. She may have frequent back pain. Fetal movements may feel like very strong blows to the lower abdomen, liver or ribs. The woman may feel that her abdomen is dropping, after which she subjectively breathes easier. This may be a harbinger of the very early onset of labor. After the pregnant woman’s stomach has dropped, most often she disappears the unpleasant sensation that haunted her during pregnancy – heartburn. During this period, frequent sleep deprivation begins, as it is difficult for a woman to find a comfortable sleeping position. At night, frequent urges to the toilet may bother.

The weight of the future child during this period is usually 2600-2800 g. If this indicator is higher, the future mother should pay attention to the observance of the diet.

It should be borne in mind that labor may begin during the thirty-sixth week and may end with the birth of a healthy baby. In order for repeat mothers to realize that they are going into labor, they should pay attention to the precursors of this event for repeat mothers. Women who are giving birth for the first time should attend courses for expectant mothers, it will be very useful for them to watch videos of childbirth in order to imagine what happens during this period.

The precursor may be active movement of the fetus and lowering of the abdomen. During this period, a woman may have lower back pain and lower abdominal pain.

Ultrasound examination during this period is not carried out routinely. But if there are indications, you should contact a specialist with complaints and conduct it. If there are signs of pathological condition, the specialist may prescribe a caesarean section.

In a pregnant woman who is not in labor for the first time, the opening of the cervix can happen very quickly. Once the plug is out, labor begins fairly quickly.

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