By week

30th week of pregnancy

Table of Contents

What is happening to the baby at 30 weeks?

  • The formation of all the internal organs and systems of the baby has taken place. The growth of the fetus by this time reaches 38 cm, and the weight ranges from 1300-1500 grams. Such sizes do not allow the child to move actively. Now he increasingly makes himself known by pushing with his hands or feet. Mom should strictly monitor the baby’s movements, if their frequency or nature has changed, it is worth immediately contacting a doctor.
  • By the 30th week, the baby’s respiratory and immune systems are fully formed. At this stage, the baby’s chest rises and falls, thus training the necessary muscles and increasing the volume of the lungs.
  • The genitals and limbs are fully formed.
  • The baby opens its eyes.
  • The nervous system and brain continue to develop, with more and more crinkles appearing on the brain.

What happens to a mom at 30 weeks pregnant?

Swollen breasts, which are preparing for the upcoming lactation, are already quite large. Because of the high level of progesterone, the mammary glands become hypersensitive and may sometimes feel a slight tingling sensation. Make sure your breasts are comfortable. Choose underwear that does not restrict your movements.

  • Now your legs are under a lot of strain due to the shift in the center of gravity, the growth of the baby’s body and your own weight. The abdomen of the mom-to-be is growing, and the uterus is getting higher and higher. In turn, it presses on the internal organs and diaphragm, which can lead to shortness of breath. The cause of heartburn can be compression of the stomach, and frequent urination – pressure on the bladder. To manage heartburn, constipation, abdominal bloating and other gastrointestinal problems, stick to a balanced diet that will help improve bowel motility.
  • Just like a few weeks before, the mom-to-be may feel small contractions in the uterine area. These are the so-called training contractions. It is important to remember that these contractions are not dangerous. They prepare the body for future labor. But if the sensations are painful, immediately consult a doctor.
  • Due to the fact that the internal organs have changed their original position, there may be difficulties even in the process of sleeping at night, because it is becoming increasingly difficult to adopt a comfortable position. It is recommended to sleep on your side with a pillow or blanket between your legs.
  • Also, the growing uterus can affect a woman’s gait, which can lead to back pain.
  • An ultrasound examination at this term will show full information about the condition and development of the baby.

Normally, your discharge should be light colored, uniform in consistency and without a pungent odor.

If you notice that the smell of the discharge has become pungent and unpleasant, as well as a change in color and consistency – this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. If the discharge has become watery, it may indicate a leakage of amniotic fluid. It is better to immediately contact your gynecologist.

Recommendations for expectant mothers

Physical activity is not desirable during this period. Have more rest, spend time in the fresh air and enjoy your position. After all, the moral attitude is no less important than physical preparation.

  • Avoid stressful situations, do not overwork.
  • Communicate with your baby. This is a very important aspect of the formation of psychological trust between mother and child. Such interaction is sure to bear fruit in the future.
  • Refuse foods that can cause allergic reactions.
  • Take food in small portions, but more often. Enrich your diet with foods that contain protein and calcium: fish, beef, milk and fermented milk products. Eat soups, porridge, fruits and vegetables every day.
  • Salt retains water in the body, which contributes to edema. Reduce the amount of salt in your diet.

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