By week

20th week of pregnancy


This period is marked by the fact that a second ultrasound is performed at the boundary with the twenty-first week. Half of the pregnancy, equal to five obstetric months, is behind us. The woman pays attention to the sensations occurring in the abdomen, where her future child is developing. If the fetus has not started to move at an earlier stage, it is in the twentieth week that a woman with her first pregnancy can expect the very first sensations of fetal movement, which are usually compared to the fluttering of the wings of a butterfly.

Recommendations for this period

A woman in this period of pregnancy will have to monitor her weight changes more carefully. The fetus increases in weight and size more actively. Its organs and systems are developing. For twenty weeks, a woman should add about three kilograms in weight. Subsequently, you can expect a weekly increase in her weight by about three hundred grams. If a woman develops twins, she will gain weight more intensively, by about thirty percent.

From this date on, visits to the antenatal clinic by the pregnant woman become much more frequent. Blood and urine tests are carried out, both general routine and according to the indications for each woman. It is time to start attending check-ups twice a month.

The fetus reaches a normal length of twenty-five centimeters. The appearance of the future child begins to resemble a human being. The ears of the fetus take the usual shape, the nose of the future child is sharpened, the hair on his head is more noticeable. The body becomes more proportional. The nails grow more actively on the fingers and toes. During this period, the genitals of the future child is almost clearly formed, which allows without much difficulty when conducting ultrasound examination clearly and unmistakably determine the sex of the developing fetus.

It is important to take into account that at ultrasound in this period, almost all the internal organs of the future baby are distinguishable. The weight of his body is equal to about three hundred grams. When carrying twins, the weight of each of the fetuses is approximately two hundred and fifty grams. With the help of an ordinary stethoscope, you can listen to the heart of the future child. Working are the nervous and circulatory systems of the fetus, while the future baby’s lungs are developing, and the endocrine system of the fetus is actively improving and developing. At the same time, its thyroid and pancreas produce hormones. The immune system synthesizes antibodies and interferon. In the future baby by the twentieth week, the middle ear is almost fully formed, which actively catches sounds. The fetus begins attempts to open his eyes, responds to sounds and bright light by moving.

The skin of the future child during this period thickens and acquires a four-layer structure. The sebaceous glands, which perform a protective function, begin their work. The fetus with the help of this lubricant will be able to glide more easily at birth.

As a rule, during this period, women experience an increase in vaginal discharge and bleeding gums. The waistline is usually gone, the nipples become darker and the lower back becomes increasingly sore. If a pregnant woman has become overweight, this may indicate the presence of possible hidden edema. To maintain health and well-being during this period, it is advisable to see a specialist for a second ultrasound screening and for health recommendations.

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